Auburn Drive High

Attendance Changes

Attendance at Auburn Drive High is done in writing. You can do this via email from the parents’ work or private account or a written note can be sent in with the student and dropped off in the main office. Please include the student’s First AND Last name in all communication, as well as the date and times in question.

Attendance Emails should be sent to

A few things to note:

* Attendance is never punitive. It is intended as a tool for teachers and schools to utilize to first denote when a student was present for a specific set of instructions (you can imagine a big difference at assessment time between being present for instruction and not understanding it versus missing the instruction all together) and second to determine when a pattern of absences might become apparent to identify an emergent need for attention. For these reasons teachers will mark a student either present or not present, late or left early. Parents will let us know they are aware of the absence by sending a note and the change is made in the main office.

* Team and Group attendance is done after the fact. Sports, groups, field trips...all group attendances are done after confirmation from the coach or organizer of attendance. This can take a few days.

* Co-Op attendance is done once per week and only by the Co-op coordinator. He will confirm with the job site that the student stayed for the entire shift before changing attendance.

* When picking up a student in the middle of the school day: high school students are expected to negotiate their own way out of class. We don't call in to class, parents don't need to come into the school. The student would tell their teacher AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS that they need to leave early, then leave at the appointed time. They should sign out in the main office prior to leaving. Parents should please avoid texting or calling their students in class. Please make arrangements before school or class where possible and let the students follow through.

The provincial Department of Education updated the attendance policy in Auguest of 2023. You can find the policy here:

Fact sheet:

The province is welcoming feedback on the new policy. You can express your views at