Auburn Drive High

Message to Families

Dear Families,

I hope you are all doing well.  I know these are challenging times and please know that we care deeply about you and your learning.  As you know, the school closures have been extended to May 1, and we are looking to move forward with the Provincial Learning Plan.

In preparation for a provincial plan for learning at home, we are gathering information about the possible needs of students and families to be able to complete work at home. Please let your student's A block teacher know through e-mail if you are set up adequately to do some work at home through technology…namely if you have a computer with the Internet. Also, please let your student's A block teacher know if you do not have access to technology, or internet to work from home.  Email addresses can be found in our staff directory on this web site and you can also leave a voicemail on the school's main office number (Ms. John's line). As more details about the Learning Plan from the province are announced, we will be in touch with more details.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Auburn Drive High School Staff