Auburn Drive High

April 23rd, 2019

Grad fees are now due. Please pay them in student services before May 3. Fees are $50.

Make sure you are checking our scholarship page a couple of times per week for updates.

Are you a Grade 12 student who is passionate about reducing, reusing, and recycling? Apply for the Champion of the Environment Scholarship! This is a great opportunity offered by Divert NS for students who have demonstrated a commitment to protecting our environment through community action! The competition is open for one $5,000 Provincial Scholarship and one $2,500 Halifax Regional Scholarship. The deadline for applications is May 5, 2019. For full details, please visit the website:

Grade 12 fine and performing arts students. There is opportunity for you to receive scholarship money if you plan on pursuing a post-secondary fine arts study, but the deadline is tight. Applications must be in by Friday, April 26! Visit the website for all the details and to apply:

a girls softball tryout Wednesday at 6pm in the gym

RINGETTE: There will be a very important but brief meeting at lunch Tuesday (today) in room 225. Practice is Wednesday at 2pm at Scotia 1.  Please see Mr Ray if you cannot attend.

TRACK AND FIELD: Sprint practice at Beasley is on Tues 4:30-6; No practice Wed/Thurs; Practice Sat/Sun from 10-noon

SNOWBOARD/SKI/FIELD HOCKEY:  Bring in your money this week for your hoodies.  Jumps/Throws and long distance are Friday after school until 5:30

There will be table tennis in the gym on Wednesday and Thursday at lunch for anyone on the team who would like to play.

Youth of today please bring in gift cards to Ms. Hudson. A reminder of meeting today at lunch in 225. There will be a presenter.

Imhotep after school today.

At Lunch today:
Mr. Auburn tickets are on sale at lunch today for just $5 each. The most entertainment bang for your buck you will ever get!

Also on sale at lunch are tickets for the’s Masquerade Ball happening tomorrow night. For only $5 you can dance your heart out to a world famous DJ. Get your ticket now because they aren’t on sale at the door!

In the caf: shepherd’s pie today!