Auburn Drive High

Return to School Jan 17, letters from Gov't of NS and Dr. Strang

Students and Families,

In spite of the stress, we truly look forward to welcoming our students back. This building isn't the same without you!

Attached are the letters sent out from Dr. Strang and a fact sheet from the Government of NS. The approach has changed drastically for schools since this began.

Dr. Strang mentions the enhanced procedures in the schools to protect students from the spread of covid. Many of those procedures don't apply to high schools so we have to do the best job we can of the ones that do. While we are unable to cohort or physically distance or ensure hand washing, and controlling movement with 4 class changes per day with 830 students is not practical, we CAN control some things.

* Masks. Do not enter our building without a mask. When you wear your mask cover your nose and mouth. 3 ply masks have been identified as offering the best level of protection for both you and the people around you. You can use one from home, or,  you have received 3 ply masks already from the school, and will receive another on Monday when you return. Whatever you wear please ensure your face is covered to adequately reduce the spread of Covid.

* Movement flow. To minimize jostling in the halls we will be instituting a 'one way' traffic flow to the school. All will be expected to follow the traffic flow as directed by staff and/or signage.

* Lunch: only students who have purchased food in the cafeteria will be permitted in there. The limit, with distancing so you can remove your mask to eat, is 48 at a time so when you have finished eating please move to designated lunch class room. There is no gathering in the halls. Students will be encouraged to find a classroom and stay there.

* Visitors: as per directive from DOE there will be no outside visitors in our buildings. Parents, if you have something to drop off or pick up, please go to the office doors (the set of doors BETWEEN the two parking lots). Ms.Johns will pop out to the door to complete the exchange.

If my student can't go to school how do they continue learning?

As directed we are doing In Person learning, which includeds regular protocols to cover student absences. Students will access work via Google Classroom and any other method a teacher might typically employ and have outlined with their classes.

How will exams be done?

As of January 14, 2022, exams are in person and will be following the schedule that is posted on our website. Buses are active during exam week. If you have concerns about exams please contact your VP.  Student last names A-L, contact Andrew McDougall ( ); students last names M-Z, contact Chris MacLellan ( ) .


As per usual please notify the office in writing via email, or physical note after the fact, if your student will be absent. Information about attendance reporting can be found on this website, main page, by clicking on the 'Attendance Changes' button.