Auburn Drive High

Lieutentant Governor's Award

Administered by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Students are nominated by their school based on academic performance and qualities of leadership and service demonstrated in their school and community.

Open to all grade 11 high school students with an average of 90% or more.

Traditionally presented by the Lieutenant Governor at special ceremonies around Nova Scotia.  Awarded annually.

If interested in being nominated please write a letter to Ms. Hudson as to why you should be considered for this prestigious award.  Highlight your academic achievement, leadership and service both in the school and community, and any other pertinent information. 

  • List all extracurricular activities at the school and community level.
  • List all volunteerism at the school and community level.
  • List any other activities that you believe help demonstrate the qualities of leadership and service.

Letters, addressed to Ms. Hudson, are due into the Main Office on Monday, March 4 at noon.